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​The benefits of PREGNANCY MASSAGE

The body goes through great physical and emotional adaptations to enable the growth and birth of a child. 


Massage is known to improve relaxation, stimulating hormones that are needed throughout pregnancy, especially approaching birth.

More than just the laying on of hands, massage can provide a safe and nurturing space to support the connection between a Woman and her Body as well as Mother and Child.


Pregnancy massage eases physical discomforts, supports postural changes and helps prepare for birth making it helpful right up to and beyond the baby’s due date.

I am qualified by the Well Mother Organisation (see links page) to provide massage during all three trimesters of pregnancy.

What To Expect

Starting with a detailed case history and assessment this treatment will be designed specifically to the circumstances of your body and your pregnancy. The aim is for you to come away rested, supported and relaxed.

First sessions are recommended for at least 1 hour 30 minutes to ensure the session is not rushed and we cover all relevant information before the treatment starts. 

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